
Time Fcuk

An interesting game.


This is pretty amazing.


To Soar



One example

An application of peace:

Midi Surf

On Peace

One of the reasons why I think we don't see very much peace in the world, today and throughout history, is that we don't really have a good definition of it. Looking at Wikipedia and the ever-handy Answers.com, peace is defined as the absence of hostility, a time with no war, freedom from quarrels and disagreement, and inner contentment. There is a further meaning of growth and prosperity.

The problem I have with this is that peace is largely defined as an absence rather than as a thing itself. How can we hope to achieve an absence and hold it with any consistency? Can you even imagine what the world would look like in this state? Images of peace in the popular imagination come down to pastoral scenes, montages of children playing and smiling faces; they are nice scenes, but they are not what our stories are about. We view it as a kind of unchanging state, with nothing of note happening. It is only a lull between passing storms. In that form, lasting peace is against our nature, and the nature of the world. It is impossible without neutering the soul of humanity, and without taming nature to a degree that seems unlikely.

War, or conflict, is a much clearer set of ideas. Can you imagine a world at war forever? I think it's not so hard. Certainly there has been a lot of effort put into making stories that explore that sort of thing. It's not something that we want, necessarily, but it's something that we understand and flirt with. It is popular to consider it an inevitable part of human nature. Humans are beasts and beasts destroy themselves; or worse, humans are viruses that consume everything to the point of extinction and then kill themselves fighting over the remains. Whether we like the idea or not, it is a core idea of our society. From that point of view, we adore conflict and war, and revel in the pain that it brings, in the strength it requires to survive, in the glory and the pity, both ghastly and ennobling. It's all very dramatic.

War will never end while people hate it so; it will only end when people come to love and embrace peace in terms equally dramatic. Peace understood as an absence cannot be embraced because there is nothing there to engage with. Peace needs to become a vital, active, aggressive thing (see my earlier post On Violence). People need to be truly powerful and to experience their strength in their daily lives. People need to find their own dynamic purposes and to connect with each other. We often forget to mention that as much as humans destroy, we also create a good deal. We made all this. We will make something else. Peace comes from embracing human nature, not disowning it.

When peace becomes as dynamic a metaphor as war has been, one that we use to show our determination and focus of will, among many other things, then it will be easy to leave war behind and change our idea of hostility as a basic assumption in human interaction. Emotions like fear and anger are constructive powers that can lead us to overcome great obstacles when we learn to be strong.

Are you skeptical of what I'm saying? Do you see huge holes of logic? Do you have trouble seeing how this could ever be? Well, I have trouble, too, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Just because it's different from all we know of history doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means that we have to put as much energy into it as we have into war and conflict. War is only easier because we have so much practice at it. It is only inevitable because we don't do something else. Which is why peace defined as an absence will never grow; we still remain focused on war. Looking for the reasons behind war is useless. Look instead for what we want to become.

So how am I defining peace? Peace is an active process of flow (around, over and through obstacles) and aggressive creativity (at every level, from personal to global), cooperation and change. It is dynamic, exciting and unpredictable. It looks for the best result for all concerned in the present and the future (to the seventh generation?). It is concerned with the individual as the key component of the group. It has room for everyone. It is brave and adaptable to all manner of circumstances. It makes people happier just to participate, just to know that it exists.

Wow, pretty cool, huh? So how do you do that? I don't know, exactly. It's not a job for just one person. It's a shared creation. It's something that we have to define together. It requires that people trust themselves. It requires that people use their true strength. A basic supposition of peace is that everyone does their best at all times, even those whose best is pretty dreadful.

What I can do is to try and create images of this peace, to help others imagine what it could be like. That is what I want to do.

What do you want?


Everybody ukabu
















On Violence

Violence is a common word, but I don't think it gets properly defined. I am going to give my definition here. Here I go:

Violence is any action or behavior of any size that is performed out of a feeling of powerlessness. It is that which is done when a person has nothing else they feel they can do. It can come it the form of passing thoughts toward oneself or others, or it can be words, or physical actions. Violence is usually in the form of an attack, and it is different from aggression.

Aggression is the display of power, active movement in the world. Violence is faux-aggression, an admission of weakness on the part of the perpetrator. It carries a thrill with it, a rush of release, which is the pressure of the negative feelings releasing temporarily, but it is a temporary, hollow sensation. Truly strong people have no need of violence; they may act aggressively in the world, and they may defend themselves from violence, but it is quite a different kind of behavior.

Things like fighting or wrestling may or may not be violent depending on the emotional place where it comes from. They may be play, or a display of dominance, which are aggressive, but they only become violent when the person feels that they must hurt the other to preserve their own identity.

By this definition, violence is relatively rare in the animal kingdom. A lion killing a gazelle is not an act of violence; it is the aggressive nature of the creature. Humans hunting and killing in the same way is not violent, although I have reservations against the activity when done for sport. Fighting between animals is usually an aggressive display, and rarely does it become violent.

I realize that many people may not agree with this definition. I think it is important to distinguish between aggression and violence, because humans are aggressive creatures, and this is something we should respect about ourselves, but I do not think that we are by nature violent creatures. Violence is the result of an unnatural way of living, a way that does not acknowledge our natural aggressive needs, or that funnels them into narrow avenues of behavior. For example, adults have relatively few socially acceptable ways of playing outside of sports. I think that is one reason for the growing preponderance of video games.

If you are reading this and you have an alternate definition of these words that you think is more useful, I would like to see it. Please share it with me.


Werewolf Game

This was amusing; a short diversion. おもしろかったよ。ちょっとスプラッターけいだけど。



On Trust

Yesterday, my student asked me how to best remember all the words she has to memorize. It's a fairly common question, and one she has asked before periodically. It's a little hard to answer. How do you remember things? Well, you just do it. But that's not a helpful reply.

I talked to her a little about learning modalities, visual, auditory and kinesthetic ways that people have of organizing their experience. People usually focus in one of these more strongly than the others, thinking in pictures, in sounds or in feelings. For the best, most resilient results, it's good to combine as many as possible. I told her to look at the word, the spelling, the shape of it and to equate it with the Japanese meaning. I told her to also visualize the meaning, the object or idea the word symbolizes and to connect them. I told her to repeat the word in her head, and aloud, and to write it on paper, and then to write it with her finger on her hand, and to put the word on some part of her body, so she would always have it on her.

I also explained how to break words into components, roots and affixes, to hold onto the meaning that way. But as I was saying all this, knowing that it was good advice, I realized it wasn't enough.

"You have to trust yourself. You have to trust that you have the ability to remember, that you can do it, even if it takes many tries." I realized that this was key. It surprised her, because I don't think anyone had ever shared such an idea with her before, but she agreed that it was important.

But even as we talked about it, I realized that it wasn't enough either. It's not enough to say you trust yourself if you remain untrustworthy. Trust is something that you earn, isn't that what we say? It's a commodity, something we pay out to people, a line of credit.

People complain that schools are so concerned with fostering self-esteem in their students, that they pile praise on everyone for everything, whether it's warranted or not. It's a trust that has not been earned, at least not by the standards of the world outside of school. This is somewhat beside my point.

I told her to trust herself, and then to earn that trust by doing the work that needed to be done. Perhaps that is so obvious that it doesn't need to be said, but it feels profound to me. "I trust myself," is something I have told myself many times, reassuringly in times of trial, but in that moment I realized that I often don't live up to my own ideals, and that I often don't really try to. Is that because I don't trust myself, or because I haven't earned my own trust? Are they even separable? It is not so simple an issue. I trust myself with certain things, and not at all with others, like alcohol. Other things I go back and forth on. It's a deep and interesting question that I shall be pursuing for a while.

The one thing I don't think is really useful is the capitalist metaphor of trust as commodity. I'm trying to think of another one that may be more comfortable. Rather than something bought and sold, or earned and squandered, perhaps it is more a bond, or a bridge that is built through a relationship, and then maintained or sabotaged, or left to decay.

We say that one, too: build trust. Building and earning imply entirely different relationships. Perhaps it is an ore that is mined, shaped and polished with care, or tarnished through misuse. Forge trust: I think we use that one, too.

Trust is a dance, trust is a fine meal, trust is a wave to a daring surfer. Or something like that.


Don't worry so much




The Mystery of Grammar











The First Passage

was discovered in '23 when a local man reported a howling sound among the rocks at Efil Gorge along a barren stretch of the Grenik Highway. The man had been going after a stray animal when he heard the noise and reported it to the information division who referred it to our office. Professor Jeffreies was in charge of the survey of the area and made a note to investigate. On the morning of the 14th of October, Jefferies and a small crew approached and spent an hour searching for possible sources of the reported sound. An assistant displaced some stones while manuevering on the slope and revealed a small opening that was connected to the greater shaft. The party worked together to clear the opening, which was discovered to be an artificial stone-reinforced conduit, rectangular with a height of 3.13 ft. and a width of 5.76 ft. After the initial excavation cleared the way, Professor Jeffreys entered and progressed along the conduit for approx. 17 yards, at which point the conduit joined the much larger passage designated "1". It was at this point also that the book (Artifact 1A) was discovered by Professor Geoffereies. Retrieving the journal, Jefries returned to the entrance. The writing of the book is exactly as is written here in this document, which is a perfect copy. THE END





Deadly Rooms of Death

This is one of the best games of all time, one of my favorites, and I recommend it to anyone who likes a challenge, because it certainly is one:


The Architect's Edition is free, though the graphics are pretty old. The Game remains the same, though.







The Expert

"Yes, I'll come. I'll be there at 7:30." You could tell she was smiling when she said it. And maybe she meant it at the time. But when 7:58 came around and I was still sitting there, waiting, I couldn't help but begin to question. I had been betrayed, or let down rather, before.
I was taking notes on the pad of paper that I always carry, writing down some ideas for a new TV program my company was working on, when someone sat down at my table and reached for the water glass. I looked up, expecting her to be there, grinning and apologetic, and I was prepared to forget the whole thing and go on with the evening, but it wasn't her. It was the Expert.
He was not impressed with me. In fact, he gave a small snort when I looked at him, as if to say, "Look at yourself: what else do you expect?"
"Oh, it's you. What are you doing here?"
"I'm enjoying a glass of water."
"Well, could you do it somewhere else? I'm expecting company."
"Of course you are. What else would you be doing on a Friday night? Expecting company, not enjoying it. You are a thoroughly uninteresting person. It's no wonder you're only expecting company." His gaze was the most insolent thing I'd seen all week. "But it doesn't have to be that way."
"What? Are you selling something? Piss off."
"She's not going to come."
"And how do you know that?"
The Expert looked so very clever just then, like a ten-year-old boy who has just done the most brilliant mischief and is waiting for you to find it. He crunched on a bit of ice, then leaned forward and whispered: "Because I have her tied up in my trunk!"
"No, really, piss off!" He was really making me angry.
"You don't believe me? Well, you'll find out." He took a sip of water, then leaned forward again. "No, I'm just kidding. It's just a joke, you know. Look: here she comes now."
I looked, but no one was there.
"See? I told you, it's a joke!" He laughed a little too hard.





I thought I would give this a try. There are things that I want to say, and I thought that this might be a way that I could do that. I might not say them well, but I will try to refine both my thoughts and my style of writing to make something at least amusing.



So let's see what happens. It may be more fun than either of us expects. Or maybe not, you never know.